Epicor drives business growth. Providing flexible, industry-specific software that is designed around the precise needs of our manufacturing, distribution, retail, services and solutions industry customers.
Together with partners such as Aspera Solutions, we deliver enterprise software solutions that drive customer value and proven results.
We are proud that over 40 years of experience with our customers’ unique business processes and operational requirements is built into every solution we deliver in the cloud, or on premises. With a deep understanding of your industry, Epicor solutions spur growth while managing complexity.
If you require powerful solutions that free your resources so that you can grow your business, chat with our partner Aspera Solutions at the ERP HEADtoHEAD™.
Aspera Solutions is a leading Epicor ERP partner with 100+ customers, ranging from single site SME’s to global, multi-site corporations. We focus on the delivery of world class ERP expertise through local, knowledge-based teams and have been doing this very successfully, for over twenty years.
We are passionate about delivering excellence, and our ‘out-of-the-box’ and customised Epicor ERP solutions deliver results beyond expectation, particularly for those in the manufacturing and distribution sectors.
Our consultative approach is entirely based upon the values of excellence, respect and partnership and according to our customers, we “make a positive impact every time we step in the door.”
Turnover of between €10-100m per annum
• Manufacturing
• Distribution
• Services
• Solutions
• Over 20,000 customers in 150+ countries and delivers ERP solutions in the cloud and/or on premise,
• Customisations (when/if necessary), can be delivered without altering source code, so the solution is fully upgradeable and never becomes version or vendor locked,
• Epicor ERP is built on the Microsoft.NET framework so it supports RESTful services, allowing integration with MS productivity tools and native integration into the AI and IoT hub in Azure,
• Delivers modern user interfaces, modernised kinetic screens and role based landing pages,
• Epicor ERP is highly scalable, from small independent businesses to global multinationals,
• Our broad range of support services are regarded as exemplary by customers, partners and peers,
Finance Demo – Epicor Version 10 – Day 1: 14:30
Sales Quotation Demo – Epicor Version 10 – Day 2: 09:30
Paul Egan, Sales Manager
T: +353 (0) 87 299 0119
E: sales@asperasolutions.com
23 The Courtyard, Kilcarbery Business Park, Dublin D 22 C6R6, Ireland
The Lumenia ERP HEADtoHEAD™ event offers a unique opportunity to see the leading ERP products pitted against each other over two days. The events are run annually by leading independent ERP consultants, Lumenia Consulting, targeted to the UK and Irish markets.